The Festivities Begin:
July 16-19, 2025


During the medieval times, vendors brought their wares, along with their families, in wooden carts the base of the city’s walls for Festival Days. They set up a temporary shelter where their families slept, ate and played. Guildsmen worked at their crafts whenever business was light, and everyone sold hard, shouting their wares at passersby. Festival days were a joyous gathering of people, a bustling social event, full of color, music, laughter, and endless commotion.


The festival known as the Utah Midsummer Renaissance Faire, follows this tradition and has been a long-standing festival of fun, excitement, and great memories for over 40 years. People continue to gather from around the world to Cedar City, Utah to be a part of these festivities every Summer.



We invite you to come and be a part of our wonderful world! Come take a look at our magnificent Renaissance history and lifestyle that surrounds these festive traditions.

New to the Renaissance Faire!​

We are now accepting Childrens Entertainment! If you have a child that would like to participate, please fill out an application and send it to us!

Join Us!

July 16-19, 2025

Main Street Park

200 North Main Street

Cedar City, UT


Wednesday–Friday: 11:00am – 9:00pm

Saturday: 10:00am – 8:00pm


Become a Vendor

Want to join our Festival? We are always looking for unique and fun Vendors, Guilds and Entertainment to join our Renaissance Faire! Download an Application and send it in.